Friday, June 29, 2007

Missed Me!

Who doesn't look at missed connections? If it's you then, christ, go read some! Any how here is a swatch of some of my favorites.

-Patrick formerly of Mastercard...Where the hell are you? I should never have left you behind at Ethyls back in Dec. If you happen to see this please respond! I miss the orange shirts!
I miss those orange shirts too.

- you: red car, dark hair, smiled at me
me: black SUV, cell phone glued to my ear, 2 kids playing video games in back seat, blonde bobbed hair, sunglasses

interested? need my "oil changed"!

desperate west county soccer mom
Shit, and I was going to "fix" her radiator.

-My friend and I asked you how to spell Kindergarten today cause we both thought it was spelled with a D not a T. I think you're gorgeous. If you see this reply and maybe we could get to know each other? Whats there to lose?
Don't do it man! They can't spell Kindergarten!

-We were a group of guys in for lunch about 1:30 this afternoon at KoBa in Chesterfield. You had just showed up for you shift and we were your first table (I think). I just wanted to say that you were absolutely beautiful (I can tell you have a lot of inner beauty as well as outside), and if you're at all a paruser of CL, I hope you see this. Just wondering if you were single and maybe wanted to go out sometime (I was wearing the striped, collared shirt, glasses). Well, here's to hoping! Cheers!
Inner Beauty? Oh, fuck you man she served you food and you were horny!

-I'm trying to get in touch with someone I bowled against and crushed on during a stint with the Saratoga Fun League. I moved away, returned, and ran into you at my work recently. My relationship status has since changed and I'm in hopes of asking out the adorable red hoodie I <3>
If you're trying to ask some one out it isn't polite to remind them of their "crushing" defeat by your hands. Just thought I'd throw that out there.

-looking for the girl who rocked my world 2 nights ago and made me go GOBBLE GOBBLE GOBBLE. hope i didnt scare you away you never called me back. hope to hear from you soon
What the fuck here people? If you yelled GOBBLE GOBBLE GOBBLE you fucking SCARED her, fuck, you scared me!

Ok, that's it for now.

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