Friday, June 22, 2007

Truths to make you fearful: Phthalates


Phthalates are used in plastics. They are toxic. Need proof? Ask every mother you know whether or not they like to look pretty when they use a dildo. Mothers who say yes will likely have sons with a smaller anogenital length.

Now screw their children. My guess: Children of the Dildo will be less likely to reproduce, and less likely to fight back.

Weep for the expressive, the sexually liberated, whose kind can be made passive through the use of a single chemical.


Most products you use contain chemicals whose toxic effects are unknown.

Once a chemical is put into use, there will be little incentive for industry to change the profitable product.

The government will not regulate a chemical the public does not recognize as toxic.

Public awareness will come long after impact.

Fun Thought:

Those who know of the effects of unregulated toxic chemicals could choose to ruin a subset of the population.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is a fun thought!!