Monday, April 21, 2008

Beating a Dead B-Movie Acting Horse

Many of you, which is basically no one, will have noticed that I talk incessantly about Ronald Reagan and how much of a douche -for lack of a better adjective- he was. I can't help it, I have nightmares about this man. No joke, I had a nightmare that he was planning to kill the world's homosexual population, and I had to sit and have year long peace talks with him to cease this abhorrent mission. But, in all honesty my main problem with him is the decade that he presided over as king, ahem, president. The eighties were a vapid and vacuous time filled with terrible, terrible movies; not unlike the present day, actually. The presidency mimicked this, reinforcing the virtues of monetary worth and a loathing of all that is different. Different has always meant dangerous, to some extent, but it was truly exemplified in the fearfully conservative ways of our former President.
Now, this is all in loose terms of course. I was barely cognizant, not that it seems terrible different from everyone else, and have since grown up into a bitter old man. It could just have been from no reason at all I suppose.

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